A Conversation With Author Sarah Hepola
I spoke with the author Sarah Hepola over zoom about her book Blackout: Remembering the Things I Drank to Forget, society’s changing attitudes towards alcohol, and finding identity and connection in sobriety. So first of all, I loved Blackout. Regarding the subtitle, “Remembering the things I drank to forget,” can you talk about some […]
Drinking Habits By Generation
Generational distinctions are a bit arbitrary; the cutoff for each generation changes depending on where you look, and there are so many people in each age group that anything about them is a generalization. Still, there are trends within each age range that reflect changing cultural norms. Drinking Used to Increase, But is Now Decreasing […]
How to Enjoy a Safe and Sober 4th of July
The 4th of July is an important holiday in the United States. Summer has arrived, so people are ready to get together with friends and family to celebrate. Unfortunately, the 4th is also consistently one of the deadliest days of the year because of alcohol-fueled accidents, automotive and otherwise. Of all the drinking holidays, Independence […]
Sober Stories: Jamie-Lee
What made you decide to get sober? I didn’t like who I was when I was drinking. I became a belligerent, bad attitude type of person. I found that I was fighting with my partner only when we drank. I also hated losing memories. I hated waking up the next day and being like, “What […]
How Dangerous Is Social Drinking on St. Patrick’s Day?
Certain holidays seem to be built around the idea of going out and having a few drinks in celebration. St. Patrick’s Day is perhaps the most well-known of these holidays. Every year, people worldwide celebrate the life of Ireland’s patron saint with all things green, including beer and cocktails. Many people associate alcohol abuse with […]
Dangers of Binge Drinking During March Madness
Basketball fans worldwide look forward to March Madness, which is the single-elimination college basketball tournament every year. College basketball is a billion-dollar industry in the country, and the big March tournament is a moneymaker for both the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and schools that participate. But more than that, it’s a lot of fun […]
Dangers of Binge Drinking During the Super Bowl
The Super Bowl is one of the most celebrated days in sports, often involving a lot of food and alcohol. Some people spend Super Bowl Sunday drinking beer after beer with friends. Consumption of a large amount of alcohol in a short period of time is dangerous for multiple reasons. It can lead to alcoholism […]
3 Serious Dangers of Binge Drinking
Binge drinking isn’t something that’s acceptable to do on the weekends. It can create a number of health risks the first time you engage in it. Over time, the more you drink, the higher your risks become. Understanding binge drinking dangers is important for anyone that engages in routine alcohol use. For some, it can […]
1 in 10 Adults Over 65 Binge Drink, Study Says
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Alcohol consumption among teens and young adults, and campaigns to combat it, has always been in the spotlight. Even though we know that addiction and alcoholism do not discriminate, why doesn’t alcoholism and problem drinking among older, retirement age adults receive the same kind of attention? A recent study by the Center for Drug Use […]