What is the History of Co-Occurring Disorder Treatment?
It’s important to treat addiction and mental health disorders simultaneously. People with mental health disorders may self-medicate with drugs or alcohol, but those substances tend to exacerbate mental health disorder symptoms. This makes it crucial to address both. However, we didn’t always know this. For much of the history of addiction and mental health treatment, […]
Can You Be Addicted if You’re High-Functioning?
You may have heard of “high-functioning” addiction. This is when someone with an active substance use disorder appears as though they have it all together. This might be because they have a job, or have maintained relationships, or otherwise don’t fit certain stereotypes about addiction. There is no one way to experience addiction. Some people […]
Breaking Myths About Recovery
Before I got sober, I only had one close sober friend. I didn’t learn much about sobriety from him until after I got sober, because once he entered recovery, I often avoided him. I thought people in recovery were miserable and bored—or, worse, boring. I didn’t think I could have fun around someone in recovery, […]
Jealousy in Recovery
Most people occasionally feel envious. This can be exacerbated by social media, where we typically only see the best snippets of people’s lives. Even though we know intellectually this isn’t the full picture, we may respond emotionally. It’s okay to feel jealous sometimes. But if you’re constantly comparing your life to others’, it’s not helpful […]
Repairing Relationships in Recovery
Human connection is an important part of recovery, but people may come to early sobriety with damaged relationships. Sometimes people in the throes of addiction hurt those around them actively, and other times they do so indirectly—through things like not considering others’ feelings or causing them to chronically worry. The reason many addiction treatment centers […]
TruHealing Baltimore Grand Opening Event
IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Tyler Mendelsohn Email: TMendelsohn@TruHealingCenters.com TRUHEALING BALTIMORE HOSTS GRAND OPENING EVENT […]
TruHealing Baltimore Opens Residential Services for Addiction Treatment, Marking its 5th Location Expansion in the State
5/4/23—Baltimore, MD. TruHealing Baltimore now offers residential addiction treatment—and will soon offer detox—at a new location on Woodlawn Drive. The center will have 44 beds, and is ASAM certified for Withdrawal Management Service Level 3.5 High Intensity Program and Level 3.7 Residential Intensive Inpatient Program. The detox level of care is slated to open by […]
New Hampshire Facilities Now TRICARE-certified
We Are Pleased to Announce That We Are TRICARE-certified at Our Facilities in New Hampshire TRICARE provides health coverage to 9.6 million active-duty service members, veterans, and their family members. It is part of the US Military Health System. This certification includes Bonfire Behavioral Health, our outpatient facility providing PHP treatment in Rochester, New Hampshire, […]
Congressman David Trone, Congressman and Attorney General candidate Anthony Brown, and Mayor of Hagerstown Emily Keller visit Awakenings
Staff at Awakenings had a meeting and tour with Congressman David Trone, Congressman and Attorney General candidate Anthony Brown, and Mayor of Hagerstown Emily Keller. Employees spoke with them about some of the barriers Awakenings faces, and how they can help us break those barriers. Trone, Brown, and Keller also spoke with two of […]
5 Benefits of Opiate Addiction Treatment
An opiate is any drug that derives from the poppy plant. Like morphine and codeine, some have medical uses in pain relief and even, in the case of codeine, cough suppression. Still, all opiates are addictive, and medically prescribed opiates are no different. Heroin abuse is on the rise in the US, and synthetic drugs […]