Six Reflections for Six Years Sober
Today I’m six years sober! As someone who drank upwards of 15 drinks every night for a decade (and did whatever drugs came my way when I was drunk), I’m proof recovery is possible. Six years ago, I couldn’t fathom how life would look without alcohol. A month, a week, a day sober—these were huge […]
In the Spotlight: Michael Silberman
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]16 years can feel like a lifetime. Profound changes can occur in our thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, and actions. This is most certainly true for TruHealing Centers COO Michael Silberman, who has been sober since July 28th, 2005. “I’m very lucky that it was ingrained in me that this will turn into a lifestyle change,” Silberman […]
A Conversation About Criminal Justice and Addiction With Dr. Wiley of the National Institute on Drug Abuse
Can you tell me about your work with The National Institute on Drug Abuse [NIDA]? I’ve been at NIDA almost 10 years, and I’ve worked on justice issues pretty much the whole time. A few years ago, Congress made a big appropriation to the National Institutes of Health[1]—which included NIDA—to address the pain and opioid […]
Sober Stories: Tommy
What led you to get sober? I own my own business, and when I was drinking, I had severe anxiety about why I wasn’t getting more work. I blamed everything else and didn’t really look at my behavior. It occurred to me how frequently I was coming into my shop very hungover. I’d have brain […]
Sober Stories: Mark
What led you to get sober? My wife and I had talked several times about how my drinking was a problem. I tried multiple times to tone it down, thinking, “Maybe I can just have one drink.” But I’m sure you’ve heard the usual: one drink turns to six or however many. There were some […]
Sober Stories: Doug
What led you to get sober? The Drug Enforcement Administration, basically. I’d been drinking and drugging for about 30 years. The last two years, I was using crystal meth heavily. I had a $500 a day habit, and to keep that going I had to sell a lot of drugs. Eventually the DEA put me […]
Sober Stories: Jamie-Lee
What made you decide to get sober? I didn’t like who I was when I was drinking. I became a belligerent, bad attitude type of person. I found that I was fighting with my partner only when we drank. I also hated losing memories. I hated waking up the next day and being like, “What […]
Sober Stories: Erica
What led you to get sober? A lot of my first experiences drinking, and then a lot of the drinking I did in California [in recent years], were alone. Some were social, but then I’d realize, “It’s 4 or 5 in the morning and everybody else is going home and I’m here to keep drinking.” […]
A Conversation About Addiction and Boundaries With Author Pixie Lighthorse
I spoke with author Pixie Lighthorse about her book Boundaries and Protection. Specifically, we discussed boundaries as they relate to addiction, recovery, and codependence. Boundaries and Protection is an incredible resource for anyone who is trying to figure out, as Lighthorse put it, “’Where do I end and the loved one in my life begin, […]
In the Spotlight: Brad Durkin’s Story of Recovery
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Bradley Durkin is a Business Development Representative for Midwest Detox Center in Maumee, Ohio. Durkin started his personal recovery journey in 2017. He’s been through the process himself, putting him in a unique position to relate to the clients he speaks with daily. “I went to treatment, and I needed a pretty high level of […]