Compassion Fatigue and Addiction
In care-giving occupations, professionals take on a lot of the stress or trauma that their patients or clients experience. This concept is called secondary traumatic stress, or Compassion Fatigue. The latter term was coined by Dr. Charles Figley in 1995.
Destigmatizing Addiction in Sports Franchises
Prior to this season, baseball players were not tested for “drugs of abuse” unless there was probable cause. Previous drug screenings were meant primarily to identify whether a player was using a performance enhancing substance.
Nostalgia in Recovery: How I Release It
Nostalgia happens. I remember circa 2006, 2007, people I hung out with were already reminiscing about the 90’s—honoring the decade by wearing big flannels and listening to TLC’s “Don’t Go Chasing Waterfalls.”
Recommendations: Books about Addiction and Recovery
Since I’ve been sober, I’ve been drawn to books about others’ sobriety. Essays, poetry, or even—in one case— a memoir set in the apocalypse. I love to read about how people came to recovery.
Biggest Game of the Year, Biggest Drinking Day of the Year
In 2018, American consumers spent $503 million on spirits, $597 million on wine, and $1.3 billion on beer and cider in the weeks leading up to the big game. These costs come with their own costs.
Long-Term Sobriety: Continued Practice at Life
At a year sober, I was still learning to manage my emotions. Having spent my adult life abusing alcohol and substances, I never learned to cope in a healthy way. It took time, work and practice.
Addiction and Alcoholism Among Educators
As a teacher, seeking help for addiction can seem like a daunting task. Chronic untreated stress can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, and mental health issues including depression, anxiety and personality disorders.
The Downfalls of New Year’s Resolutions
A “resolution” is “the act of resolving or determining upon an action.” On the other hand, the definition of “goal” is “the end toward which effort is directed.” “Resolution” connotes something already complete—“goal” is the act of working towards.
The (Sometimes Surprising) Health Benefits of Long-Term Sobriety
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]When I was in active alcoholism, I couldn’t be in a room with an animal without needing an inhaler. Now, I have a cat. Alcohol
Can You Get Sober Without AA?
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]When I decided I would get sober on August 1st, 2015, I knew I would do so without Alcoholics Anonymous. I had tried the program