Getting to the Roots of Your Addiction
The phrase “knowledge is power” rings true when it comes to addiction recovery. Learning about addiction and sobriety—and yourself—is really helpful. Becoming self-aware means learning
Making and Breaking Habits
Repeated use of substances “teaches” the brain to crave them. While substance use disorders are an extreme example because they significantly impact dopamine levels—which are
Falling Into Old Patterns
The difficult thing about recognizing patterns is that they are by nature instinctive. We “fall into” old patterns because they are something like our default
Joy Is a Skill
We tend to think of joy as something that just happens to us. When good things occur, we’ll be happy. But really, finding joy is
Learning About Yourself in Recovery
In active addiction—especially for people who started drinking or using early—it’s hard to form a sense of self. Your self during that time is under
Common Fears About Sobriety
Getting sober can be scary. It’s a huge change that affects almost all aspects of your life—not to mention that addiction changes your brain so
Repairing Relationships in Recovery
Human connection is an important part of recovery, but people may come to early sobriety with damaged relationships. Sometimes people in the throes of addiction
Why Recovery Is a Gift, Not a Punishment
In the years I knew I had a problem before I got sober, I had two ideas about sobriety. 1. It would be the end
Emotional Resilience in Recovery
Developing emotional resilience—the ability to cope with and adapt to stressful situations—is a big part of recovery. When I was in active addiction, I could
There Are Many Pathways to Recovery
The first time I tried to get sober, I followed two friends into recovery and did exactly what they did. It lasted about two months—which