When you decide to stop using benzos for good, you may experience mild to severe withdrawal symptoms. They can be as mild as nausea or as severe as seizures. Your benzo withdrawal timeline will differ depending on the circumstances of your addiction. Detoxing from benzos is the most critical step in your recovery. If you don’t detox, you can’t move forward.
When you decide to start detox at TruHealing Centers, you should consider going to a benzo addiction treatment center. A treatment center provides a certified medical staff, medication-assisted treatment, comfortable facilities, and 24/7 emergency care. You never have to feel alone while you are going benzo withdrawal symptoms. If you have questions about the benzo withdrawal timeline, contact us today at [Direct].
What Factors Determine Benzo Withdrawal Symptoms?
Each person’s addiction and recovery is unique. Therefore, it is impossible to pinpoint what type of withdrawal symptoms you may experience, how severe they will be, and how long you go through detox. Common factors that determine your prescription drug detox include:
- How long you have been using benzos
- How often you take benzos
- The dosage or number of benzos you take
- Whether you combined benzos with other substances
- Your current physical health or medical condition
- Any mental disorders you may have
This combination of factors all plays a role in your detox. Your treatment specialist can work with you to assess what you can expect over the next few days once you begin cleaning the drug out of your system.
Benzo Withdrawal Timeline
With that in mind, most people do go through a similar timeline when detoxing from benzos. The timetable may include:
Early Symptoms: 6 to 24 Hours
Once you begin a detox, you can expect the withdrawal symptoms to start within the first 24 hours. In more severe cases, they may start as early as six hours. Symptoms may be light headaches, nervousness, or even a big of nausea. Most symptoms will be mild at first, gradually getting worse.
Severe Symptoms: 3 to 10 Days
How severe your symptoms will depend on the factors discussed above. The most severe symptoms usually occur by day three and may last for up to four ten days. On average, you can expect to experience severe withdrawal symptoms within seven days. During this time, medical professionals will be on hand to monitor and treat your symptoms as needed.
Symptoms Ending: 10 to 14 Days
By the end of week two, you should start to feel better as the symptoms taper off. There may be lingering symptoms. However, you will be walking around with more energy and a healthier mindset. You may feel a sense of hope as you enter into rehab, the next stage of your recovery.
Cravings: Up to 3 Months
One of the lingering benzo withdrawal symptoms is cravings. The intensity of your cravings may continue long after your withdrawal symptoms have gone away. A benzo addiction rehab center may offer medication-assisted treatment (MAT) to reduce the urge to use benzos as you go through rehab. Each day that you go without benzos, the easier it becomes to manage your cravings.
Get Help for Benzo Addiction at TruHealing Centers
Benzo addiction can be one of the most challenging types of addictions to overcome. If you have been using benzos for a long time, your best option is to enter a detox center and go through rehab while learning more about the benzo withdrawal timeline. Amatus Recover Centers offers comprehensive substance abuse treatment for all types of addictions. Contact TruHealing Centers at [Direct] today to speak with a treatment specialist and determine your treatment options. Let us help you get on the road to recovery.