Once you decide that you or someone you love needs substance abuse treatment, the next step is to locate an appropriate program. There are many substance abuse programs out there, and they are not all created equally. Our TruHealing Centers provide outstanding substance abuse treatment programs. But, what characteristics should you look for in substance abuse treatment programs to ensure that you or someone you care about is getting the best treatment possible?
4 Characteristics to Look for in a Substance Abuse Treatment Center
1. A Substance Abuse Treatment Center Should Offer Individualized Care Plans
No two people have the same addiction or path to recovery. There is no magic therapy that will work for every client, either. An effective drug addiction treatment program will perform an assessment when you are admitted and create a customized care plan based on your needs.
For many, that will start with a medically supervised detox program. You might move on from there to residential care and intensive outpatient treatment. There are many forms of therapy at that level of care, though. For example, behavioral therapies are often part of the plan, but there are different kinds. You might respond to one or more of them. The assessment will work as a roadmap as you go through treatment.
2. A Substance Abuse Treatment Center Should Provide Dual Diagnosis Treatment
Dual diagnosis treatment means getting therapy for both mental health and a substance use disorder at the same time. There is a direct connection between mental health disorders such as depression or bipolar disorder and substance abuse.
Often someone with a mental health disorder will start drinking or taking drugs to manage the symptoms. Drinking alcohol or taking drugs may make them less sad or help them sleep. They may develop an alcohol addiction because of that use.
Treating just the substance use disorder can leave the underlying mental health disorder untreated. And that can increase the chances of relapse when those feelings come back. A program that offers dual diagnosis treatment provides therapy for both issues at once.
3. A Substance Abuse Treatment Center Should Include a Full Continuum of Care
A full continuum of care is just another way of saying they are with you through all stages of your drug addiction treatment. They provide support at every level, from detox to aftercare. You don’t need to shop around for all the levels of treatment. One care coordinator should make sure you have everything you need to get healthy.
4. A Substance Abuse Treatment Center Should Have a Well-Rounded Therapy Program
It generally takes a comprehensive approach to find recovery. In most treatment programs, that means a mix of individual and group therapies. They might include support for families, as well, and offer clinically proven therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy. Having a well-rounded program ensures they are something for everyone.
TruHealing Centers has all the above. They offer individualized care plans, dual diagnosis treatment, a full continuum of care, and, of course, a well-round therapy program. Services at TruHealing Centers include:
- Residential treatment
- Intensive outpatient therapy
- Partial hospitalization
- Family therapy
- Gender-specific treatment option
At TruHealing Centers, they believe it is important to treat every aspect. They focus on the physical, mental, and spiritual health of their clients and offer many locations along the east coast, including Ohio and Atlanta.
Along with traditional clinical programs, TruHealing Centers provides care coordination that connects all aspects of your life where needed. They help get you access to legal or vocation resources if needed. They work with the community to ensure you have the training the support you need to live a sober life once you complete your treatment.
Discover TruHealing Centers’ High-Quality Substance Abuse Treatment Centers
Substance use disorder doesn’t have to define you. There is help out there if you look for it. For more information about our substance abuse treatment centers, call us at [Direct] or use our contact form. Our TruHealing Centers staff is ready to help.